Hans Jürgen Eysenck

Hans Jürgen Eysenck

Hans Jürgen Eysenck, PhD, DSc (4 March 1916 – 4 September 1997) was a German-born English psychologist who spent his professional career in Great Britain. He is best remembered for his work on intelligence and personality, although he worked in a wide range of areas within psychology. At the time of his death, Eysenck was the living psychologist most frequently cited in the peer-reviewed scientific journal literature.

Main contributions:
①The Psychology of Politics
In this book, Eysenck suggests that political behavior may be analysed in terms of two independent dimensions: the traditional left-right distinction, and how 'tenderminded' or 'toughminded' a person is. Eysenck suggests that the latter is a result of a person's introversion or extraversion respectively.

②Genetics and intelligence
By far the most acrimonious of the debates has been that over the role of genetics in IQ differences, which led to Eysenck being punched in the face by a protestor during a talk at the London School of Economics,[19] as well as bomb threats, and threats to kill his young children.[20] This opposition came when he supported Arthur Jensen's questioning of whether variation in IQ between racial groups was entirely environmental (see Race and intelligence).

Selected works by Hans Jürgen Eysenck
Dimensions of Personality (1947)
The Scientific Study of Personality (1952)
The Structure of Human Personality (1952) and later editions
Uses and Abuses of Psychology (1953)
The Psychology of Politics (1954)
Psychology and the Foundations of Psychiatry (1955)
Sense and Nonsense in Psychology (1956)
The Dynamics of Anxiety and Hysteria (1957)
